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Wavey mind!

I can’t figure out what’s wrong with me. I am so pissed off with me and others. I don’t know why I am feeling so let down. The recurring phenomenon of bad dreams has started corroding my psyche. I have heard that dreams are a reflection of subconscious mind so that implies that something somewhere within is just not right. But who’s going to sort out this mess? To clean up all one has to plunge in deep shit and am not very willing to do that. I just want to forget all and let things be and am hoping that this approach works. Period!!

There are times when I turn in and start observing the perennial wave of thoughts in order to tame those. Osho calls for observation of this wave, the observation gradually subdues those and they eventually dissolve in space. This is my mind’s graph. Crests and troughs...straight line again followed by crests and troughs. Strange na!! This instability drives me insane at times, at one moment I am calm as a sea and the next instant I venture into a forest of fantasy or ride on the roller coaster ride of emotions.

What a beautiful garden our mind is!! I want to take walk, there I go :) Cya


sobhit said…
pissed off wid me as wel?? hope not.. :P... n d instablty drving u crazy is visible momd.. d roller coaster u on aint jst making u wonder... u hv all arnd u wonder too.. n often a person might wonders if dat change of emotional ride is cos f him/her.. there's nothing wrong wid u... jst as u mentioned.. u aint willing to get deep dwn widin n sort it out.. eithr u do it.. or open up 2 sm1 n let dat person do d sorting.. either ways.. sort up soon n keep postng regularly.. its noce d have a lil walk insyd ur mind gardens :P...
ToBlog today said…
Let the garden grow wild, impermanence will take care of those weeds that cloud the mind. Enjoy the ride, and pay little mind to dreams that disturb as they are only illusions.
MothSmokeLover said…
Let the garden grow into something really beautiful :).

P.s. Hope you're doing well!
Sh@s said…
Life is full of ups and downs. So, enjoy the falls as much as the crusts. Address whatever is nagging you one by one and things will get sorted out and the ones who refuse to do so just leave them as they are. They have a tendency to get sorted out by itself with time.
Take care

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