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Be That One…

Be that one candle, which illuminates the darkest chambers of hearts
Be that one dewdrop, which reinvigorates parched grass blades
Be that one star, which adds sparkle to the moonless sky
Be that one vote, which would decide the future government and does not bow before money or other favors
Be that one voice, which refuses to give in to corruption
Be that one government employee, who pastes a label reading ‘I don’t accept bribes’ on his desk
Be that voice, which dissents female feticide, molestation, harassment and violence against women
Be that one messiah, who empowers individuals rather than giving alms
Be that one volunteer, who works for change instead of complaining
Be that one teacher, who guides and transforms lives of forlorn individuals
Be that one ear, which is patiently willing to listen to troubles
Be that one mouth, which speaks to assure that everything would just turn out fine
Be that one supporting pillar, who actually refers your resume instead of making fake promises
Be that one employer, who really cares rather than just being concerned with profits and targets
Be that one person, who strives to be better in his/her deeds, actions and intentions
Be that one blessed soul, which would make your creator smile the brightest of all smiles
                                                JUST BE :)


sobhit said…
n to u i say be yourself... gud to c u writng again.. aftr a lbg brk
ToBlog today said…
Very true. Have a lovely day. :)
Sadaf Khurshid said…
Beautifully written!

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