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Smiles and small wins

Meera looked around, searching for a friendly or familiar face amidst the crowd. All she craved was a smile or just someone noticing her. She had had a long day today at the resto-bar and her boss had asked her to clock in an extra couple of hours because it was Friday. 

"I am not a shadow to be ignored, I am a star" she smiled hoping someone would reciprocate. Meera glanced at the shadows swaying to the music in blinking red and yellow lights. Oh, wait! Was it just music or the alcohol-induced trance? Or both? As she waited by the women's restroom, she adjusted her uniform to breathe in more air. Her workstation was miles apart from the airconditioned hall and a small table fan was placed near her stool. More than air, the fan exuded pesky noise. She let out a long sigh and peeked at her wristwatch. She felt some relief! Meera wished for time to pass sooner. She imagined sitting on her bed and watching the blissful face of her sleeping daughter. "You will be home with her soon", Meera beamed, tucked hair behind her ear and wiped away beads of sweat from her forehead.

Meera peeked at a table in front of her. A group of boys and girls were having shots and cheering for a boy in their group. Two other boys hugged him and kissed his forehead. Meera imagined herself at the centre of celebrations, having everyone's attention and elated beyond joy. Meera snapped back to the present from her reverie and adjusted her uniform. A wish arose, "what if I bring my family here? My employer should give me a discount. I will talk to him tomorrow."

Meera's eyes paused on the wall clock. It's almost time! Her excitement froze as her eyes fixated on a girl waiting in queue to use the restroom. The girl seemed to be in her late 20s and was struggling to balance herself. The girl saw Meera and widened her eyes to get a better view in low light. Then she grinned and waved at her. Meera waved back. The girl giggled and held a railing to stay steady. Meera looked at her with childlike curiosity. She eyed her attire and smiled at the girl again. It felt good to finally have someone look and smile at her. Wishes do come true! The girl waved again and walked into the restroom. Meera was ecstatic! With renewed vigour, she picked up her handbag, hung restroom keys at the stand, and signed the duty register.

Meera sashayed towards the exit of the bar, enchanted and satisfied with her wins! Tomorrow will be better, with this intent she walked to her abode. 

A Resto-Bar


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