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Showing posts from October, 2009

Unveil the magic of luminance

Pleas for compassion are being disregarded Efforts to make them see the light of wisdom are turning futile How tight is this blindfold of malice desires? O Candles! I wish thy luminance tears through the darkened corners of hearts O Sparklers! Get rid of cobwebs in deserted cabinets of mind Festive spirits, I pray thee, illumine the velvety night in our intellects Brush past the atoms of ignorance to reveal the golden sheath of acumen PS-Few random lines jotted down to unburden and to ascertain my hope in “Goodness shall prevail” Wishing you all a very joyous Diwali. Have a great time!

You get to be a judge!

Innocent... or Guilty? I have this fascination for judges, advocates and courtrooms.There's something about them which evokes my inner chords. How i wish i were a lawyer...sigh! Anyhow, whatever happens happens for good. So, personally this tag is kind of special for me because i get to be a judge for a change:D Rohini at Train of thought tagged me. I am omitting rule 4 in my post. RULE 1- You can only say Guilty or Innocent. RULE 2- You are not allowed to explain anything unless someone messages you and asks! RULE 3- Copy and paste this into your notes , delete my answers, type in your answers and tag to your friends to answer this. Asked someone to marry you? Innocent. Ever kissed someone of the same sex? Innocent. Danced on a table in a bar? Innocent. Ever told a lie? Guilty. Had feelings for someone whom you can’t have back? Guilty. Kissed a picture? Guilty. Slept in until 5 PM? Innocent. Fallen asleep at work/school? Guilty. Held a snake? Innocent. Been suspended from school?...

D for Dumb!

I bet this is gonna be real fun. It is called Dumb dumber Dumbest QUIZ. I know for sure my number shall hover around an 80 or 90 and that would be a giant leap from the academics percentage :P Here's the quiz [ ] Gum has fallen out of your mouth when you were talking [ ] Gum has fallen out of your mouth when you were NOT talking [x] You have ran into a glass/screen door [x] You have jumped out of a moving vehicle [x] You have thought of something funny while walking by yourself [x] Laughed, then watched people give you weird looks OK 4 for now [x] You have run into a tree/bush. [x] You know that it IS possible to lick your elbow [x] You have tried to lick your elbow… a few times [x] You never knew that the Alphabet and Twinkle Twinkle Little star have the same rhythm. [x] You just tried to sing them. 9 Already!! [x] You have tripped on your shoelace and fallen. [ ] You have choked on your own spit . [x] You have seen the Matrix and still don’t get it. [ ] You’ve never seen the Matr...