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Sound and Silence

Here comes the rain, a welcome respite from the monotonous and humid weather. The way weather plays with our emotions never ceases to amaze me. Few minutes ago,I was in a complaining mode and was eating into a friend’s head. Later, I stepped out to experience the tiny droplets in my hands. I feel short of words to express that joy. All my mental blabbering flew away with the monsoon breeze and I am smiling again. The sound and silence of rain make me ponder. Why not take advantage of the moment! I logged into blogger and got the words flowing. Sound of breeze whistling past the leaves and the sound of collective droplets create an enchanting rhythm. Now, you must be wondering where silence comes into picture.I am talking about silence within. Whenever it rains, an unusual silent aura pervades my mind. It goes blank. A serene sensation fills me up and I delve into the glory of silent pleasure.

Sound and silence are poles apart and yet they merge smoothly. Sound could be silent and yet silence has a sound. I know, that’s a poor attempt at philosophy. The other day I had this random thought “What if we human beings weren’t blessed with the gift of speech, what if we barked, howled or hooted just like other animals!” I am sure this world would be a better place. In these summer vacations, I have had the pleasure to witness a number of large gatherings-say 7-8 people or more.I observed the pattern of their verbal communication.It is dependent on the age factor and the level of intimacy between the participants.Very often, the words being spoken were laced with sarcasm and jealousy, a desire to be brag over and over and a touch of apathy. The conversations of such kind are definitely high on entertainment quotient. If you look at it, just as an observer without any opinions and prejudices you will realize the futility in it. Hey I don’t intend to sound like a wise old lady or a philosopher neither do i mean to offend any one. I too indulge in such pointless and enjoyable chitchats and very often I say something which I lament later. I have seen that many people leave no opportunity to pass mocking comments though they don’t mean to upset the other party. I can’t reason why this happens but it ensues over and over again.A way could be to just listen without any judgments, opinions and reactions.But i reckon that it is not always possible.Being diplomatic and tactful is an art that requires expertise.

Therefore,I conceived of an evolved and mute human species. Of course, everything has its pros and cons. I believe in this case the pros outweigh the cons. I suppose we don’t need words to express our love and emotions. We can easily convey what we want through other means- sign language, writing mode and may be some other advanced methods. The advantage of these is-We won’t indulge in blathers. I recall reading a study which said that non verbal communication is much more powerful than the verbal mode. Our eyes, posture and hands are powerful tools that express more than we can imagine.

What do you think? Is the evolution of Homo sapiens into mute ones a way to a better realm?


sobhit said…
hi i wonder how u can come up wid blogs dis easily n put dem up so wonderfully.. nothin new in wot am sayin.. but hw d whtr chnge n all can get u writin is amazin... went thru d whole thing n ws jst wonderin ..yet again.. whtr n meetings u mentiond included 1 wen v all cot up??? well funny thing u wrote dat u2 smtym indulge in such chit chats... dats hard 2 imagine n blv, but cming 4m u will buy dat.... d art d writin sure is ur forte,.. sarcasm jealousy diplomacy tactful... dunno how much expertise is requird 4 des heavy words, guess it cms in2 play as n wen needed...n hi ur attmpt at philosphy not at all poor. infact pretty rich in d meaning... silence n sound cant b widout each othr.. so nvr a thot is a poor attmpt.. as far as d sarcasm n comments funda is concerned .. guess d same ol philosphy goes.. no gud or bad jst a way of perception 4 diff homosapiens.. only few r more mature 2 handle all dis in d healthy manner dan odrs.. so in all anthr nice post like any othr of urs.. guess now can strt addressin d posts i like as monica's post instead of gr8 post.. :P ya i knw a poor attmpt at philosphy but mks sense...
Parul said…
I echo shobhit's words, dont know how u manage to come up with such beautiful posts! The whole weather association thing is great. The rain has actually brought in some respite for all, and reading such posts is an icing on the cake. I guess its pretty human to indulge in the chit-chats involving sarcasm, gossips & as u pointed the Jealousy factor as well!
Diplomacy is the call, which needs expertise ;)
And I guess being mute is not that bad after all. At least it will stop unnecessary problems. But then sometimes you need to speak ur heart out too.. so all in all one should be wise enough to deal with it all.
Lovely post :)
Pinpaks said…
Beautiful thoughts.. and a sweet post..

Silence sure is good at times.. but life is no fun without the sweet sounds all around and within.. gotto enjoy both :D
Anonymous said…
I want Homo sapiens to exercise their gift of speech...silence feels great and sometimes does give us that much needed break but too much of anything can't be good :)

A very well written and sweet post:D
Italo said…
Monica thank you. With your photo and your fantastic description I passed nice and relaxing minutes. you write very well.
I will follow your blog with pleasure. Ciao Italo.
monica said…
Thanx Italo for your kind words
Extranjera said…
Tagging you for a meme. Check my blog tomorrow.
Prashansa said…
Beautiful photo. I agree with you that weather has very good effect on our moods.Very good post!

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